Hydrogen, Solar and Batteries Did the 2024 Federal Budget Deliver on Clean Economy Investment Tennant Reed

Labor's Future Made in Australia policy has enough money to move the needleLabor's Future Made in Australia policy has enough money to move the needle.
The Guardian Renewable Energy 1:29 pm on May 16, 2024

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The 2024 federal budget is expected to address clean energy investments, focusing on solar and battery technologies for the economy. Tennant Reed notes that upcoming budgets will likely prioritize renewable infrastructure after temporary relief measures conclude.

  • Budget Emphasis: Solar and batteries as key investments in clean energy.
  • Expert Opinion: Tennant Reed suggests future budgets will prioritize renewable energy infrastructure over temporary measures.
  • Potential Challenges: Addressing emissions as short-term relief payments end.
  • Economic Impacts: Job creation and business cost savings through clean energy investments.
  • Industry Perspective: AIAG's Tennant Reed highlights the importance of sustained federal support for a transition to renewables.


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