Improving Lcoe Of Pv Driven Hydrogen Via Reciprocating Engines

UNSW scientists have suggested to use dual-fuel reciprocating engines for adding gas-to-power operations in large scale
PV Magazine International 1:12 pm on May 15, 2024

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The study conducted by the University of New South Wales examines using hydrogen-fueled reciprocating engines for large scale PV power generation. The system consists of 180 MWp and aims to lower costs via economies of scale, adaptability with various technology improvements, and policy advancements. Sensitivity analysis shows potential LCOE values below $200/MWh depending on discount rates, government policies, and trade price fluctuations.

  • Study Objective: To assess economics of 180 MWp PV system with hydrogen-fueled engines.
  • System Description: Includes large scale PV, reciprocating engines and storage components.
  • LCOE Projections: Costs may reduce to below $200/MWh based on various factors.
  • Adaptability: Able to adapt with future tech and policy changes for economic feasibility.
  • Sensitivity Analysis: Slight fluctuations in pricing have minimal impact on LCOE due to optimized size of the system.
*Renewable energy technologies, specifically Solar and Hydrogen*

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