Microsoft Launches Initiative to Counter 30% Rise in Scope 3 Emissions Since 2020

The company's carbon footprint is growing because of demand for its new data centers.
Greenbiz 5:37 pm on May 15, 2024

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  • Microsoft's Climate Innovation Fund invests in sustainable solutions, such as LanzaJet and eco-friendly data centers.
  • Initiatives focus on digital tech for energy management, green steel innovations via partnerships, advocating policies, and carbon removal investments.
  • Microsoft's carbon offsetting increased tenfold from fiscal year 202 to 2023 with major deals like the one signed in May with Stockholm Exergi.
  • Fiscal 2022 saw retiring of roughly 60,000 metric tons of CO2 equivalents, aiding Microsoft's carbon-neutral claims.
  • The company engages in activities under five priorities set by the Microsoft Climate Council, demonstrating its commitment to lowering emissions and transitioning toward sustainability.
The provided text can be categorized into:
  • Renewable policy and incentives
  • Electric Vehicles
** Microsoft's Climate Innovation Fund drives sustainability through investments like LanzaJet and eco-friendly data centers. The company pursues energy management, green steel development, policy advocacy, carbon removal, and maintains a substantial increase in offset retirement from 2022 to 2 lately with significant deals, all aligning under five council priorities for reduced emissions and sustainable transitions. **

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