Netherlands to Phase Out Net Metering Scheme in 2027

The new government coalition in the Netherlands says the nation's current net-metering scheme will be maintained until
PV Magazine International 1:29 pm on May 16, 2024

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The Dutch government coalition plans to phase out the country's net-metering scheme by 2027. This decision comes after rejecting a proposal to end the scheme in 2025, aiming to reduce dependence while minimizing impact on low-income households and addressing grid congestion without overly subsidizing rooftop PV systems.

  • Government coalition's decision:
  • Phasing out the net-metering scheme by 2027.
  • Previous proposal rejected for ending in 2025.
  • Aim to reduce dependence while protecting low-income households.
  • Address grid congestion without over-subsidizing rooftop PV systems.

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