Volkswagen Announces 2025 Id. Buzz Offer Structure

The ID. Buzz, Volkswagen's electric reincarnation of the iconic Microbus will be offered in the U.SThe ID. Buzz, Volkswagen's electric reincarnation of the iconic Microbus will be offered in the U.S.
CleanTechnica 6:45 am on May 15, 2024

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On May 1, 2024, Volkswagen unveiled the ID. Buzz's structure for its 2025 offer, announcing details through a press release without mentioning renewable energy or incentives.

  • Date of Press Release: May 1, 2024
  • Subject: ID. Buzz Offer Structure Announcement
  • Publication Type: Press Release
  • Content Overview: Details regarding the structure were shared without specifics on renewables.
  • Vehicle Model: Volkswagen's ID. Buzz for 2025
Category(ies): Electric Vehicles

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