Seg Solar Signs Land Deal to Make Solar Cells, Wafers, Modules in Indonesia

SEG Solar has secured a land-use agreement for a solar-focused manufacturing site in an industrial zone on the
PV Magazine International 1:12 pm on May 15, 2024

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SEG Solar secures $500 million land-use deal for solar manufacturing in Indonesia, aiming to produce 5 GW of silicon wafer, cell, and panel by Q2 2025. The company's commitment involves building a vertically integrated industrial park covering over 40 hectares.

  • Site Location: Indonesian island of Java.
  • Investment: $500 million.
  • Production Targets: 5 GW silicon wafer, cell, and panels.
  • Completion Timeline: By Q2 2025.
  • Job Creation: Over 1,000 jobs in Batang Regenc.
Category Selection: Solar

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